Friday, February 8, 2019

Coming this Spring to the Thesis Office

This term we are offering programs essential to the successful completion of your thesis or dissertation. Whatever stage you are in, from beginning the proposal to submitting the final document, we have a presentation that you should attend!

The best new thing this term? We are live-streaming some of our events to allow access to off-campus (or very busy) students!

All programs are led by experts in graduate school requirements, document formatting, and the general  woes and wonders of thesis writing! Scroll through these options and click the link at the bottom of the page to find registration details. (Most programs require registration)

Breaking Through Writer's Block and Other Obstacles

This informal discussion is designed to address common obstacles that slow or entirely halt progress in writing a thesis or dissertation. Carolyn Law, Thesis/Dissertation Advisor, will facilitate the discussion and offer practical strategies. You will leave with ideas to immediately use to break through your writer’s block. Also streaming live in the Facebook group NIU Theses and Dissertations.
 Wednesday, February 20 at 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM, Adams Hall, 103 

Writing a Dissertation in Education

This one-day program is designed specifically for dissertation writers enrolled in 799 hours in the College of Education. The Thesis Office staff will walk you through the Graduate School’s specific requirements for dissertations and cover a wide range of the most troublesome issues dissertation writers frequently encounter. There will be generous time for individual questions and one-on-one consultation. So, bring your laptop and specific questions to maximize the workshop's effectiveness.This program is the best way to ensure compliance with the Graduate School requirements. 
 Saturday, February 23 at 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, NIU Naperville, Room 166 

Create and Nurture a Productive Thesis/Dissertation Committee

This presentation will address the process of choosing committee members, fostering strong working relationships with them, maintaining productive communications over the long haul, and managing faculty feedback to achieve steady progress toward completing your thesis or dissertation. In addition, Graduate School policies regarding committees will be reviewed. Bring your specific questions to maximize the workshop's effectiveness. 
 Monday, February 25 at 3:30 PM to 4:45 PM, Holmes Student Center, 405 

Thesis Essentials

This presentation is designed for all master's students enrolled in 699 hours. The Thesis Office staff will walk you through the Graduate School's specific requirements for theses and cover a wide range of the most troublesome issues thesis writers frequently encounter. There will be generous time for one-on-one consultation. This program is the best way to ensure compliance with the Graduate School requirements. 
 Tuesday, February 26 at 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, Adams Hall, 103 

Dissertation Essentials

This presentation is designed for all doctoral students enrolled in 799 hours. The Thesis Office staff will walk you through the Graduate School’s specific requirements for dissertations and cover a wide range of the most troublesome issues dissertation writers frequently encounter. There will be generous time for one-on-one consultation. This program is the best way to ensure compliance with the Graduate School requirements. 
 Wednesday, February 27 at 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, Adams Hall, 103

Demystifying the Thesis/Dissertation Submission Process

This presentation is for graduate students preparing to submit a thesis or dissertation to the Graduate School for May 2019 graduation. Carolyn Law, Thesis/Dissertation Advisor, will walk students through the steps of the process: defense, electronic submission, and final approval. 
 Monday, March 4 at 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM,  Founders Memorial Library, 297 

Problems in Theses/Dissertations: Tables/Figures/Pagination

This hands-on workshop is designed to assist thesis and dissertation writers to comply with the Graduate School requirements for tables, figures, and pagination. The Thesis Office staff will cover the specific format requirements, demonstrate helpful techniques and shortcuts in Microsoft Word, and allow generous time for individual troubleshooting and one-on-one consultation. So, bring your laptop and specific questions to maximize the workshop’s effectiveness. 
 Tuesday, March 5 at 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, Adams Hall, 103 

Writing Your Thesis or Dissertation Proposal

Do you need to write a thesis or dissertation proposal? This interactive workshop will address typical characteristics of a successful thesis or dissertation proposal as well as practical strategies for organizing the key elements. Breakout sessions will allow for generous time for questions and small group discussion. Bring your laptop and specific questions to maximize the workshop’s effectiveness.
 Wednesday, March 6 at 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM, Holmes Student Center, 405 

See you there!

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